Mon - Fri : 08:30 am - 4:30 pm (02)
Laparoscopic & Hepatobiliary Surgeon
Newtown & Wollstonecraft



The pancreas is located in the abdomen, tucked behind the stomach. The pancreas has dual roles; it is an organ of the digestive system and of the endocrine (hormonal) system. Once food has been mulched and partially digested by the stomach, it is pushed into the duodenum (first part of the small intestine). The pancreas adds its own digestive juices and enzymes to the food, via a small duct attached to the duodenum. This process is said to belong to the ‘exocrine pancreas’. The pancreas also produces the hormone insulin, which helps to control the amount of sugar in the blood. This is the role of the ‘endocrine pancreas’.

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